How Hilary and Jan met

Knock. Knock.

Who’s there?


Loo who?



All good ideas start with a knock-knock joke?  Maybe not, but, in a way Loo4U-Clare did! 

During the June 2024 local election, Hilary came knocking on Jan’s door.  Fresh off a meeting with Crohn’s and Colitis Ireland (CCI), Jan was ready to surprise candidates with a potentially uncomfortable question about toilets.  It was Jan’s first election since settling in Ireland and she was happy to know what to do.

Well, the joke was on her as Hilary calmly replied, “You are right, there should be more toilets easily available.  Let’s work on that.”  After that refreshing answer and bit more of a chat, Hilary was on her way to the next house.  Jan emailed Hilary some information later that evening about CCI and shortly thereafter, Loo4U-Clare was created.


Meet Hilary and Jan


The Loo Data