Loo4U - Clare
Come on in. You are free to go.
“I need to go to the toilet,” said every child at least once in their lives in the middle of town, not a decent place to go in sight. But, even as adults, haven’t we all said that to ourselves?
Many life situations can cause a person to need a toilet urgently when out. Additionally, access to disabled toilets is often difficult or discouraged unless one has a very visible disability. Regardless of one's situation humans need to use the toilet, sometimes urgently and inconveniently. We can help find a Loo4U.
Loo4U - Clare has listed locations of toilets that are easy to use. We also note if the loo is wheelchair accessible. For the list, use the map above or click here to go to the Locations page.
If your business is interested in being added to the Loo4U - Clare list, please contact us here.
In response to Crohn’s and Colitis Ireland’s (CCI) ongoing calls for greater accessibility to public restrooms, the LOO4U-CLARE initiative is set to make a significant impact in County Clare. Find out more here.
Contact us
Send us a message and let us know how Loo4U - Clare works for you.